Book a hotel near Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach, Italy

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Discover hotel deals right by the sand in Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach

From cool condos with ocean views and funky motels on a budget, to designer pads with gorgeous pools and family resorts with kids clubs—with Travelocity, you can take your pick from a variety  of hotels in Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach, Italy. Compare prices and amenities then just click to book your favorite.


How can I find the best deals on hotels close to Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach?

Just pop in your travel dates and hit search to see the latest fantastic deals on hotels near Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach. Currently, we have Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach hotels from a night.

Do hotels in Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach have flexible cancellation policies?

Many hotels offer free cancellation before a certain time, so you can change or cancel your booking and get a full refund. You can also use your online itinerary to make changes to your trip. Check the specific hotel details for terms and conditions

Can I book a Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach beachfront hotel?

Use the ocean view filter to find Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach hotels on the water and find the perfect place to step out of your hotel and on to the sand every day of your vacation.

How can I find some of the best hotels on Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach?

With our filters, you can refine your search to organize your results by price or include your favorite amenities—whether that’s a pool or watersports, hot tub or deep-soak bath. Use the map to see where the hotel is, so you’re as close to where you want to be as possible. Check out the unfiltered guest reviews, too.

Are there kid-friendly hotels in Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach, Italy?

Whether you’re looking for cribs in the room or family beach clubs and water activities to keep everyone entertained, use the family friendly filter to find your ideal spot. Many of Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach kid friendly hotels lay on the extras to make your family vacation extra special.

What are some fun things to to do near Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach?

From sunbathing with the latest bestseller to trying out a new watersport,—when you stay at a hotel near Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach, the beach is the star attraction. In the evening, enjoy waterfront dining at sunset and beach walks under starry skies.

Why should I book a Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach hotel with Travelocity?

At Travelocity, you can compare incredible Lignano Sabbiadoro Beach hotel deals in one place, click to book, and be on the beach in no time. Download the free Travelocity app for exclusive member discounts, and you can also save more by bundling your hotel with flights and car rental. So book today! 

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